10 Portfolio Website Examples That Stand Out In 2024
I personally have always been a fan of great portfolio websites. I'm always on the look for new ideas and inspirations. Today, I've curated a list of best porfolio websites from all over the internet for you to get inspired from.
Tailwind UI Portfolio Template

TailwindUI is a great place for components. Recently, they came up with a portfolio website and it was nothing short of amazing. The website is built using TailwindCSS. The website is fully responsive and looks great on all devices.
With this template, you will be able to showcase your skills in the easiest way possible. The design is clean and the content is readable and well structured. There's an area for you to write blogs with MDX. The website is built using NextJS and TailwindCSS.

If you've read some of my previous articles, you already know that I'm a huge fan of the design team at Vercel. Rauno's website is one of the best portfolio websites I've ever seen. It is a complete unique experience altogether. There's a horizontal navbar at the bottom which mimics the apple's dock. The work that Rauno has done is amazing and is inspiring to many.
Rauno's website can also be one of the best website for photography portfolio given the page on the website dedicated to his photography.

Henry's website is one of those that gives those linear's website vibes, and henry nailed it to the core. The website is beautifully crafted and the UX is amazing. It portrays henry as an expert (and rightfully so) which should be the goal of your portfolio website as well.
The thumbnails of henry's project are well thought of. The overall design of the website is amazing and the website is fully responsive.
Brittany Chiang

You must have seen this website (and many like so) quite some time over the internet. This is because this website's template is open source and is one of the free portfolio websites available for everyone to use.
The design is top notch, explains everything clearly and is the best website if you're looking to look out for jobs. A dedicated section is there for work experience and projects which makes it ideal for job seekers.
The overall vibe of the website is cool and puts it out in the category of a cool portfolio website.
Manu Arora

I'll be a little biased and put my portfolio website here. This website is taken from one of the older builds of Lee Rob's portfolio website which was absolutely amazing.
I added my own touches to it and tried to make it more of a personal playground. Recently, I launched Tailwind Box Shadows on the same website to showcase my expertise with Tailwind.
The website houses blogs, templates, free tools, resources and a guestbook for people to interact with.
I built this website when I was looking for jobs, potentially trying to convey the message that I can build websites, talk to APIs and that I'm good with design. Over time, this website has evolved into a personal playground for me to try out new things.

This website is one of a kind. It builds as the user stays there in awe. This website is a work of art.
The website is unique because as time passes, this website transforms from code to a complete UI magic right in front of you.
The best part is that the code for the website is open source and you can play around with it, make it your own.
The website is perfect for you to project yourself as a coding machine.
Gregory Koberger

This portfolio website is an experience in itself. It is a really simple website yet very effective. Gregory is the founder readme.
The website is interactive and has a lot of cool animations. The website is built using Vue and is fully responsive.
If you have a lot of projects under your belt, you might want to consider building something like this.

Cedric is a design legend. One of the best sidebar portfolio websites that I've ever seen. The website is inherintly simple yet very effective. The dark mode is amazing and the website is fully responsive.
The subtle animations in Cedric's website complements the overall design and conveys the message very effectively.
Cedric has built websites with Framer (a no-code tool to build website) which makes it a lot easier to create and deploy websites.
Jesse Zhou

Jesse's website is not just a website, it is a compelte 3D experience that you can interact with. Jesse pitches his website as a building that has various parts you can interact with.
As far as I understand, this can be achieved with ThreeJS and WebGL.
Bruno Simon

You probably know about this because of the sheer uniqueness and the amazing working of the website. Bruno's website is the Gold standard of a 3D website that is so interactive that you literally drive a truck to explore his work.
A perfect execution of Three.js baked into the website. If you can build something like this, you can build anything.
These were my pick for the best portfolio websites. Some of the are simple and minimal (which is my favourite) and some of them are absolute work of art that takes years of experience and practice.
I hope you liked this article. If you did, please consider sharing it with your friends and family. If you have any suggestions, please let me know on Twitter.

posted by Manu Arora